The Association of Mental Health Providers

The Association of Mental Health Providers is the leading representative body for voluntary, community and social enterprise mental health organisations in England and Wales.
As a registered charity, we represent our membership of small, medium and large providers - from locally focused to regional and national organisations with the purpose of providing a professional platform on which the vital work of all our members can be seen and heard.
We have over 300 members, delivering 3000 plus services locally, regionally and nationally, reaching 8 million+ people with poor mental health and illness in the community. This equates to 1 in 8 people receiving support from a voluntary and community mental health provider.
The Association is dedicated to supporting the development of the mental health voluntary and community sector to effectively meet the needs of individuals, their mental health and wellbeing. We do this through three key areas of work:
- Sustainability: ensuring the continuation and growth of the sector
- Whole-system approaches: encouraging coordinated planning to provide joined-up care
- Prevention: promoting wellness and good mental health with a consideration of the wider determinants to prevent mental ill-health.
We recognise that everyone can be affected by mental ill-health and we believe it is essential that the mental health voluntary and community sector works together for a whole-system approach to improve health and care in the UK.
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