“My main reasons for choosing CLL was the fact that we work remotely ... It allows us to intervene when carers have got concerns, you can also use the app to take photos so when we do nursing care and wound dressings someone experienced is able to review from our end. It saves time, is very cost effective and there is always constant communication between the carers, the managers and also the families so everybody knows exactly what is happening.

eMAR is important to us because we use it for our medication administration … it gives instructions on how the carer has to perform the task. It has reduced the numbers of errors happening with medication administration.

CareLineLive helps me save time and be more efficient by having the ability to see things in real-time, it also saves financially because I do not have supervisors driving as they can work remotely”

Janette Watkins, Registered Manager, Southover Community Care

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